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Rencontres des dynamiques régionales en information géographique

  • Conférence / Colloque / Séminaire
17 nov.
18 nov.
  • Du 17 au 18 nov. 2016
  • De 09h00 à 18h00
  • Palais des Congrès Atlantia, 119 Avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 44500 La Baule, France

Organisée par l’Association Française pour l’information Géographique, la prochaine édition des Rencontres des dynamiques régionales en information géographique sera accueillie par GEOPAL, la plateforme d'animation territoriale de référence en Pays de la Loire. Dédié à "La Géomatique au service de l’intelligence territoriale", le programme des #DynReg2016 s'articulera autour de conférences, retours d'expériences, ateliers, workshops, tables rondes... et moments de convivialité. Deux jours pour découvrir les dernières innovations en matière de données, services, technologies ; retrouver les acteurs du secteur et faire le plein de nouvelles idées ; développer son réseau et se lancer dans des défis collectifs géonumériques inédits ! Plus d'infos et inscription sur

Organisée par l’Association Française pour l’information Géographique, la prochaine édition des Rencontres des dynamiques régionales en information géographique sera accueillie par GEOPAL, la plateforme d'animation territoriale de référence en Pays de la Loire.

Dédié à "La Géomatique au service de l’intelligence territoriale", le programme des #DynReg2016 s'articulera autour de conférences, retours d'expériences, ateliers, workshops, tables rondes... et moments de convivialité.

Deux jours pour découvrir les dernières innovations en matière de données, services, technologies ; retrouver les acteurs du secteur et faire le plein de nouvelles idées ; développer son réseau et se lancer dans des défis collectifs géonumériques inédits !

Plus d'infos et inscription sur

EGEA Brussels Mapathon

  • Autre
  • EGEA Brussels
15 nov.
  • Le 15 nov. 2016
  • De 17h00 à 21h00
  • Vrij Universiteit Brussel (VUB) - Building E - salle informatique, 2 Pleinlaan, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique

EGEA Brussel is organising this mapathon for the Geography Awareness Week and also to help the Missing Maps Foundation and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. Its an evening where we will map an area of the world together on request of an NGO. An English explanation you can find here: Its really easy and there will be experienced mappers present to help !!! The Mapathon will happen at the campus of the VUB at the computer rooms in Buidling E. More info and a plan of the campus will follow soon. Stay tunesd at

EGEA Brussel is organising this mapathon for the Geography Awareness Week and also to help the Missing Maps Foundation and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team.

Its an evening where we will map an area of the world together on request of an NGO. An English explanation you can find here:

Its really easy and there will be experienced mappers present to help !!!

The Mapathon will happen at the campus of the VUB at the computer rooms in Buidling E.

More info and a plan of the campus will follow soon. Stay tunesd at

BELAIR Workshop 2016

  • Conférence / Colloque / Séminaire
  • BELSPO and VITO Remote Sensing
08 nov.
  • Le 08 nov. 2016
  • Huis der Notarissen – Brugge, 9 Spanjaardstraat, 8000 Brugge, Belgium

BELSPO and VITO Remote Sensing are delighted to invite you for the BELAIR Workshop 2016 which will be organised in the Huis der Notarissen – Bruges on November 8, 2016. The goal of the workshop is to present, discuss and evaluate the results of last year’s BELAIR campaign. The BELAIR project was set up within the STEREO programme to develop Belgian test sites, for which targeted EO data and other measurements are collected, on behalf of the Belgian and international research communities, and which may be used as calibration and validation sites for new EO missions, data and products. During the morning session, BELAIR participants will present their results and an international keynote will talk about the organisation of cal/val and joint research sites abroad. After lunch, participants can either go on a field visit or discuss the continuation of the BELAIR programme. The preliminary programme will be published as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you in Bruges. On behalf of the organising committee, Joost Vandenabeele and Jean-Christophe Schyns – BELSPO Ils Reusen – VITO Remote Sensing Info and registration here.

BELSPO and VITO Remote Sensing are delighted to invite you for the BELAIR Workshop 2016 which will be organised in the Huis der Notarissen – Bruges on November 8, 2016.

The goal of the workshop is to present, discuss and evaluate the results of last year’s BELAIR campaign. The BELAIR project was set up within the STEREO programme to develop Belgian test sites, for which targeted EO data and other measurements are collected, on behalf of the Belgian and international research communities, and which may be used as calibration and validation sites for new EO missions, data and products.

During the morning session, BELAIR participants will present their results and an international keynote will talk about the organisation of cal/val and joint research sites abroad. After lunch, participants can either go on a field visit or discuss the continuation of the BELAIR programme. The preliminary programme will be published as soon as possible.

We look forward to seeing you in Bruges.

On behalf of the organising committee, Joost Vandenabeele and Jean-Christophe Schyns – BELSPO Ils Reusen – VITO Remote Sensing

Info and registration here.

Geocortex User Conference 2016

  • Conférence / Colloque / Séminaire
07 nov.
  • Le 07 nov. 2016
  • De 09h00 à 17h00
  • SIGGIS, 25 Excelsiorlaan, 1930 Zaventem, Belgique

"Moving forward to stay current" The Web GIS landscape is changing continuously and so are our solutions. Join us on November 7 to learn how we are realizing better mobile and Web GIS solutions based on Geocortex. Learn how others solved integration problems and discuss the road ahead with the developers of the product. See you next month? Pour plus d'informations visitez le site :

"Moving forward to stay current"

The Web GIS landscape is changing continuously and so are our solutions. Join us on November 7 to learn how we are realizing better mobile and Web GIS solutions based on Geocortex.

Learn how others solved integration problems and discuss the road ahead with the developers of the product. See you next month?

Pour plus d'informations visitez le site :

"The Bright Side of Remote Sensing", a workshop on Sentinel 2 and 3

  • Conférence / Colloque / Séminaire
  • Belgian Science Policy office (BELSPO) + European Space Agency (ESA)
25 oct.
  • Le 25 oct. 2016
  • De 09h30 à 17h10
  • Museum of the Royal Institute of Natural Science, 29 Vautier Street, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Undoubtedly you have heard about the Copernicus programme and the Sentinel missions. Copernicus is Europe’s flagship Earth observation programme. It aims to provide accurate, timely and easily accessible information to improve the management of the environment, understand and mitigate the effects of climate change and ensure civil security. The Sentinel family of satellites is being developed by ESA to meet the operational needs of the programme. Most likely, though, you still have a lot of questions: Where can I get the Sentinel data? What skill level is needed to use them? How good are they really? Who uses them and to what end? , … We try to facilitate your way through the world of the Sentinels. That’s why last year, you were invited to attend "The Dark Side of Remote Sensing", a workshop featuring ESA's Sentinel-1 radar mission. This year "The Bright Side of Remote Sensing" workshop will focus on the mostly optical Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 missions. The workshop’s morning session will deal with the missions and data access, while the afternoon session will be dedicated to potential applications and uses. Live demonstrations of the data access hub will be given during the breaks. People from academia, administrations and industry interested in remote sensing are welcome to attend. Info :

Undoubtedly you have heard about the Copernicus programme and the Sentinel missions. Copernicus is Europe’s flagship Earth observation programme. It aims to provide accurate, timely and easily accessible information to improve the management of the environment, understand and mitigate the effects of climate change and ensure civil security. The Sentinel family of satellites is being developed by ESA to meet the operational needs of the programme.

Most likely, though, you still have a lot of questions: Where can I get the Sentinel data? What skill level is needed to use them? How good are they really? Who uses them and to what end? , …

We try to facilitate your way through the world of the Sentinels. That’s why last year, you were invited to attend "The Dark Side of Remote Sensing", a workshop featuring ESA's Sentinel-1 radar mission.

This year "The Bright Side of Remote Sensing" workshop will focus on the mostly optical Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 missions. The workshop’s morning session will deal with the missions and data access, while the afternoon session will be dedicated to potential applications and uses. Live demonstrations of the data access hub will be given during the breaks.

People from academia, administrations and industry interested in remote sensing are welcome to attend.

Info :

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