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THe EU Open Source policy Summit

  • Salon/Conférence/Colloque
  • Open Forum Europe (OFE)
04 févr.
  • Le 04 févr. 2022
  • De 10h00 à 18h00
  • en ligne

Open Source & the Grand Challenges

The grand challenges cannot be tackled by any company or country alone. Climate change, current and future pandemics, digital autonomy, market concentration, and reaching the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are all pressing issues that underscore the need for new institutional set-ups. But the world’s stakeholders have not been idle: modes of collaboration at a completely new scale are needed to find solutions to complex problems. This takes place in a day-to-day reality that is increasingly digital, where software is ubiquitous, and while we see increased concerns over autonomy in a multi-polar world.

Open Technologies and Open Source are at the heart of this new reality and are a source for optimism. ‘Open’ lowers the barriers to competition, delivers collaborative innovation, increases welfare, while letting end-users maintain control and autonomy. Open and collaborative digital innovation is no longer a theoretical concept. It is the modus operandi of companies and countries that engage at the cutting edge of the technological and societal innovation needed to tackle the grand challenges.

2022 will be the eighth year OpenForum Europe hosts its Open Source policy event right before FOSDEM. This will be a fully online event.

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Terrascope Webinar :: TerraFlood: Near-real time flood monitoring with Sentinel data

  • Salon/Conférence/Colloque
  • Terrascope Team
18 janv.
  • Le 18 janv. 2022
  • De 16h00 à 16h45
  • en ligne

How Sentinel satellite data and other EO services, available in Terrascope, were combined to develop TerraFlood, a tool for near-real time flood monitoring

During this webinar, Lisa Landuyt will illustrate how Sentinel satellite data and other EO services, available in Terrascope, were combined to develop TerraFlood, a tool for near-real time flood monitoring. The methodology was developed in collaboration with the Flemish Environmental Agency (VMM) and was also used to map the devastating floods that hit Belgium in the summer of 2021. Register for this webinar to learn more about:

  • Sentinel-1 and its potential for water quality monitoring 
  • TerraFlood flood mapping algorithm
  • Flood maps and derived products available through Terrascope

Lisa Landuyt - VITO Remote Sensing

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Formation QGIS

  • Formation
  • Champs-Libres
11 janv.
25 janv.
  • Du 11 au 25 janv. 2022
  • De 09h00 à 17h00
  • Mundo-N, 98 Rue Nanon, 5000 Namur, Belgique

Formation QGIS pour les débutants. Découverte de ce qu’est un SIG, permettre de créer des premières cartes et initier à l’analyse spatiale.

Vous souhaitez découvrir un logiciel d’information géographique ? Vous désirez vous lancer dans QGIS ? Champs-Libres propose une formation QGIS pour les débutants. Nous souhaitons faire découvrir ce qu’est un SIG, permettre de créer des premières cartes et initier à l’analyse spatiale. La formation convient également aux utilisateurs occasionnels d’ArcGIS qui souhaiteraient découvrir un logiciel libre équivalent. Nos formateurs sont des spécialistes de QGIS et en possèdent une connaissance technique avancée. Ils ont également pratiqué abondamment l’analyse spatiale.

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Séminaire IOT : Internet of things in GIS/BIM

  • Produit ou service
  • AMFM GIS BeLux
16 déc.
  • Le 16 déc. 2021
  • De 13h00 à 17h00
  • en ligne


L’Internet des objets (IoT) connecte des milliards de capteurs (souvent mobiles) du monde entier. Parce qu’ils sont tous connectés, cela permet l’échange d’informations entre eux. La grande quantité de données de capteurs en temps réel de l’IoT provient d’appareils physiques tels que les smartphones, les ordinateurs portables, les maisons et les voitures. La connexion entre l’IoT et le GIS-BIM est la localisation géographique.

Dans ce contexte, AM/FM-GIS Belux organise le jeudi 16 décembre à 13h via Teams un séminaire virtuel intitulé :


Lors de ce séminaire, découverte de cas pratiques d'IoT appliqués au SIG et/ou au BIM. Un panel d’experts répondra aux éventuelles questions avant le discours de clôture

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Information Session - preparatory action for the common European Green Deal Data Space under the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)

  • Autre
  • European Commission
15 déc.
  • Le 15 déc. 2021
  • De 10h00 à 12h00
  • virtual

This online session, organised by the European Commission - DG Connect and DG Environment - will provide information on the call for proposals to support the creation of a common European Green Deal data space.

This call for proposals has been launched on 17 November and is open until 22 February 2022

The Green Deal is one of the strategic domains of public interest identified in the European Data Strategy for which a common European Data Space will be created. The EU Data Strategy ultimately aims at establishing a Single EU Market for data, where data can flow between countries and sectors and be accessed and used easily, respecting European values and rules.

The common European Green Deal data space will interconnect currently fragmented and dispersed data from various ecosystems, both for/from the private and public sectors, to support the objectives of the European Green Deal. It will offer an interoperable, trusted IT environment for data processing, and a set of rules of legislative, administrative and contractual nature that determine the rights of access to and use of the data.

The information session will present the Green Deal data space vision, the DIGITAL call for proposals as well as parallel horizontal activities, and it will provide a matchmaking opportunity for potential consortium partners. Participants will have the opportunity to make a 2 minutes pitch by signing up via the chat box.

 It will take place online on 15 December 2021 from 10h00 to12h00

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